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1.1       Background to the Study

Reading newspapers is one of the best ways to keep up with important news in your town, across the country and around the world. It’s also a fun way to find out about topics such as sports, travel, hobbies and entertainment. People have recorded important ‘events since ancient times, when the Romans posted handwritten news in public places. In the mid-1400s, printing with movable type was invented in Germany. By the 1500s, newspapers began to appear in Europe. The first newspaper in America was printed in 1690. Benjamin Franklin began publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette weekly in 1720, and he was one of the first editors to use illustrations in a newspaper. Today, more than 1,400 daily newspapers exist in the United States. Although there are many other ways to get news, such as TV, radio and the internet, the advantage of newspapers is that they can cover more stories and present information in greater detail. For example, the script of a half-hour newscast would fill only part of the front page of a standard-sized newspaper (Newspaper Association of America Foundation, 2006).

Reading, according to Gray (2000) is a highly complex activity, including various important aspects, such as recognizing symbols quickly and accurately comprehending clearly and with discrimination the meanings implied by the author. It also involves reacting to and using ideas secured through reading in harmony with the reading purposes and integrating them to definite thoughts and action patterns (Hems 2000).

Newspaper reading, according to Lawal (1997), requires a construct of varying hierarchical degrees of intensity. Several researchers (Burmeister, 1978; Smith & Barret, 1976; Spiro, Bruce & Brewer 1980; Unoh, 1980) have identified eight skills of reading. These involve locating details, recognizing the main ideas, drawing conclusions, recognizing cause and effect relationship, understanding of words in context, making interpretations and making inferences.

Nsofu (2003), opined that, the reading of Newspapers is a culture that provides immense benefit to those that can afford to inculcate it. He further pointed that even though there are other means of media information; newspapers still remain the best access for obtaining news materials especially in detail form.

Grey, (2000), explained that lecturers are role model and a huge source of confidence to their students and to enable them perfectly play this role, there is an urgent need for the lecturers to possess adequate current information. He went further to suggest that lecturers can update themselves about events, news and occurrence around them by regularly reading newspaper.

It is against the above background that the researcher is motivated to carry out this research study on; Newspaper readership among science and technical education lecturers (A case study of NBTE school Kaduna).

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The culture of reading newspapers among members of the public and especially lecturers is gradually fading. In general, the habit of reading newspaper which is a very beneficial one is more and more becoming unpopular as people now rely on other media sources for information (radio, and visual).

The problem this research study seeks to address is; the general decline in reading culture; which minimises the effectiveness of the print media for effective information and feedback. Also a good proportion of lecturers are beginning to find it very difficult to read as they begin to rely more on the non- print media sources for information.

Even in developed societies where advance media gadgets and technology are used to broadcast news content, there is still huge demand for newspapers which is the print media by members of the society; as there is great awareness on the importance of newspapers in the society. In Kaduna state there is a growing shift from reading newspapers to surfing of internet by the general public and among science and technical education lecturers in NBTE schools.

1.3       Research Objectives

The general objective of this research study is to examine the newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers (A case of selected NBTE schools in Kaduna). More specifically, the objectives of this research study are to;

1.     Determine the level of newspaper reading among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna.

2.     Identify the factors that influence the attitude of newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna.

3.     Examine the gratification of newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected Schools in Kaduna.

4.     Identify ways to enhance newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna.

1 4       Research Questions

The following are the formulated research questions for this study:

1.     What is the level of newspaper reading among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna‘?

2.     What are the factors that influence the attitude of newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna?

3.     What is the gratification for newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna?

4.     In what ways can newspaper readership be increased among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The research study is a significant one because it seeks to address an issue that affects almost every member of the society. Even though various studies had been carried out on the newspaper reading, none had really focused on lecturers’s readership of newspaper. This research study will provide both theoretical and practical knowledge in the topic area.

A major contribution of this research study would be the determination of the level of newspaper reading among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna and the investigation of factors that influence the attitude of newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna.

This knowledge will encourage further research into the area as well as provide necessary information to stakeholders of schools in policy making area and implementation. This research study will be of huge benefit to academicians, lecturers, students, members of the public and all other agencies closely related to the newspaper houses and science and technical education lecturers.

This research study will also add to the existing knowledge in the department of mass communication in Kaduna state university where it will be submitted on completion.

1.6       Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to the Science and Technical education lecturers in selected NBTE schools in Kaduna. The scope of the study is specific`ally to examine the newspaper readership among Science and Technical Education Lecturers in NBTE schools in Kaduna. Also the research study will be limited to the various available newspapers available in Kaduna State.

This research study encountered certain limitations, some of the major limitations are:

l. Time constraint; the time available for carrying this research study was inadequate as the researcher had to perform the research alongside other academic programmes (test, exams, assignment etc.).

2. Financial constraint; it is a common practice in Nigeria that academic research is sponsored by the student. Hence the finance for this research was provided by the student which was not enough compare to what is required.

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