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This study examined the Impact of leadership style on Employee performance. To achieve the objectives of the study, Leadership style was proxy by transactional and transformational leadership while employee performance was proxy by efficiency. The primary source of data was used to obtain relevant information. The study employed the survey research design. The collected data was analyzed using the descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The study found that leadership style impacts on employee performance of Sir Kashim Ibrahim House Kaduna. The Findings of the study specifically revealed that transactional leadership style has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Also, the study shows that transformational leadership style has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Based on the findings of the study, it is therefore recommended that transactional and transformational leadership should exist within the organization; and leaders should set vibrant high performance organizational culture through interpersonal relation, dialogues and transparency.



1.1        Background to the Study

Firm’s growth and development has certain factors that improve sustainability on the basis of effectiveness and efficiency. The improvement in productivity of the organizationis attached to employee’s better behavior and commitment which is developed from the norms, values and objectives given to them by the firm (Ukaidi, 2016).The organization at all times keep track of the outcome of the way activities are carried out in the firm, this outcome is performance. Every organization from the beginning is built to achieve certain objectives; these objectives are tied around solving the problems of the customers from which they will derive satisfaction. The dedication and constant loyalty of the employees of the firm becomes the path that leads to the growth of the organization. Employees are a very important part of the organization and their performance leads to the performance of the organization because when the employees put in efforts and carry out their duties effectively, this will give the firm a competitive advantage (Ghalib&Orabi, 2016).No matter how much the firm needs dedicated and active employees, there are superiors (leaders) that guide the work they do in order to ensure that the objective of the firm is achieved. But the approach and ways that these leaders use to relate with their employees differ from leader to leader (Koech&Namusonge, 2012).

Leadership is a very important factor in the organization because it plays a significant role in running the daily activities of the firm. Since leadership is a very important factor, it is therefore valuable to know that there is no unique way of leading in an organization, every leader decides on a way that he deems fit when it comes to handling his employees. In other words, the leader of every organization has to make a choice on the leadership style that will soothe the employees. Leadership style is the choice of leadership that an individual leader decides to use when relating to his employees. Just as every individual is unique in his own way of thinking, so are choices of leading. The approach deployed by a leader to handle a particular or permanent situation regarding his subordinates on carrying out their day-to-day activities is referred to as leadership style, and approaches or leadership styles differ with every individual leader. For instance, where it seems relevant to use force on the employees by one leader, could turn out to be different to the other leader. A leadership style could serve as a motivation or demotivating factor pending on the approach adopted by the leader at a certain point in time (Koech&Namusonge, 2012).

Employee performance and leadership style therefore has a link because the employees that work for the firm are answerable to the leader, which means that the type of leadership style used to approach them could influence their activities. The influence that the leader of the firm has on his subordinate can either be a motivating factor or otherwise. When it is a motivating factor then the firm will stand to gain a lot of benefit from the employee, which will be visible through the performance, and if the leadership style turns out to be demotivating, then it becomes a big problem for the firm as it will also affect the performance of the firm but this time with a different perspective (negative). It is therefore very crucial for the firm to understand what the types of leaderships are, how and when they can be applied to attain valuable results in the organization because the extent to which all members of an organization use their abilities and influences in the effective utilization of resources depends upon how well the leaders of the organization understand and perform their jobs (Givens, 2008).

1.2        Statement of the Problem

Empirical studies about leadership styles and employee performance have been found overtime, however most of these studies have made use of different types of leadership styles with most concentration on leadership styles as presented by Levin & white (1953), which includes autocratic, laissez faire leadership style and democratic leadership style. Other leadership styles have also be looked at by other studies but very few of these studies have made use of the transactional and transformational leadership styles. This study therefore intends to make use of different combination of variables which are transactional and transformational leadership styles. In other words, there is a variable inclusion gap to be filled.

The relationship between leadership style and employee performance has been carried out in different industries, using different variables which have led to numerous findings. Most of these studies have laid more emphasis on the banking industry and manufacturing industry.  But very few empirical findings have been discovered overtime in the house of assembly. So there is a geographical gap to be filled.

Finally, studies on leadership style and performance have concentrated more on the overall performance of the firm.These studies have looked at the relationship between the type of style a leader adopts in other to make the organization successful. These studies gave more attention to the performance of the organization in general, while in the real sense the performance of the organization is divided into sections, one of which

is the employees that strive to get the jobs done. Few studies have really looked at the relationship between leadership style and employee performance. This gives a literature gap to be filled.

Based on the stated problems it will be seen that there is a variable inclusion gap from the first argument, which is then followed by a geographical gap and finally, there is a literature gap that will be filled.

1.3        Objectives of the Study

Considering the stated problems of the study, the main objective of the study will be to determine the impact of leadership style on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house Kaduna; other specific objectives are to:

i.                    Examine the impact of  transactional leadership style  on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house in Kaduna metrpolis

ii.                  Analyze the impact of transformational leadership style on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house in Kaduna metropolis

1.4        Research Hypothesis

As a result of the stated objectives of the study, the hypothesis of the study will therefore be stated in null form:

H01 Transactional leadership style has no significant impact on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house Kaduna

H02    Transformational leadership style has no significant impact on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house Kaduna

1.5        Research Questions

Drawing from the research hypothesis, the study will therefore seek to answer certain questions like;

i.        How does transactional leadership style impact on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house in Kaduna metropolis

ii.      What is the extent to which transformational leadership style impact on employee performance of Kashim Ibrahim house in Kaduna metropolis

1.6        Scope of the Study

The study will concentrate on the impact of leadership styles on employee performance; the data for the study will be restricted to primary sources and questionnaires will be the only source that will be used in the study. 

The study will be centered on the relationship between leadership styles and employeeperformance and it will be limited only to Kashim Ibrahim house Kaduna.

1.7        Significance of the study

The study will be relevant to the managers of Kashim Ibrahim house. It will also be relevant to federal, state and local government’s officers in managerial positions. The findings from this study will be of relevance in academics.

To begin with, the study will bring to managers proper understanding of effective leadership styles that can impact positively on the employees of the firm. The result will also help officers in managerial positions to become conscious of their roles as the propelling force towards development.  The importance of leadership styles and the usage of these leadership styles will be made clear in the study. This will provide the managers with the right approach to handle employees in such a way that employee performance will be guaranteed.

The findings of this study will also assist  the officers in managerial positions of federal,  state , local  government  areas  on  the  ways  to  adopt  the  right leadership styles that can motivate employees to work in such a way that will lead to achievingcorporate goals  and  objectives which will then lead to performance.

Finally, the study will  stimulate further  interests in future researches  who  will  be  involved  in  research  efforts  on the subject matter.  In  addition  to  the  above,  it  will  add  to  already  existing literatures on effective leadership styles and employee performance which will serve as reference materials to scholars and researchers who may be interested in embarking on a research of this nature.

1.8       Plan of the study

This study will be divided into five sections. Section one is the introduction to the study. Under this, the background to the study; the statement of problem; objectives of the study; scope of the study, significance and plan of the study are discussed. Section two will review relevant conceptual clarifications, empirical literatures and theoretical framework. Section three will discuss methodology; this includes research design, population and sample of the study, method and sources of data, method of data analysis, variable definition and measurement and model specification. Section four will focus on data analysis and the interpretation or results, while section five will summarize the major findings, conclude and proffer appropriate recommendations.

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