Soil Science Project Topic:
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Filters: Undergraduate (HND,BSc,BTech) Masters (MSc,MTech) PhD Thesis
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NITROGEN MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR IRRIGATED AND RAIN-FED RICE (ORYZASATIVAL. )VARIETIES IN SUDAN SAVANNA OF NIGERIAABSTRACT RiceisoneofthemainstaplefoodcropsanditsdemandisrapidlyincreasinginWestAfrica,hencethereisneedtoincreaseitsproductionatlowerproductioncoststhroughadequateNmanagementwithappropriatevarieties.Nitrogen(N)managementisoneofthekeyinputsinriceproduction,especiallyinthesavannasoilswhichisusuallyassociatedwithwidespreadNdeficiency.Thefocusofthisresearchwastoevaluatetheperformanceofriceunderdifferen... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 114 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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MAXIMIZING YIELD AND NET RETURNS TO NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM FERTILIZER APPLICATION IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA. L) PRODUCTION ON LOWLAND SOILSABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa .L) is an important staple and source of income for farmers in Nigeria. Current fertilizer recommendations for rice do not commonly consider fertilizer cost relative to paddy price (CP). The rates needed for maximizing yield rather than profits have been rather estimated. As the cost of fertilizer increases relative to the price of paddy, the nutrient rate needed to max... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 95 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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ASSESSMENT OF SOME MACRONUTRIENT STATUS AND MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN PALM OIL MILL SLUDGE DUMPSITES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON SOIL FERTILITYABSTRACT The composition of palm oil mill sludge pH 4.2+0.09 was acidic while organic matter, 39.3+0.27, total N 31.2+001, total P 10.4+0.05 and EC 1.3+0.01 was high in the five locations. While the macronutrient N, in dumpsite 4 shows a decrease and dumpsite 1, 2 and 3 shows irregular pattern distribution. P in the dumpsites follows definite pattern, Ca shows irregular distribution along the dump... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 52 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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EFFECT OF LAND USE AND SLOPE GRADIENTS ON SELECTED PROPERTIES AND SOIL QUALITY OF AN ALFISOL IN AFAKA FOREST, NORTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA OF NIGERIAABSTRACT Land use changes from forest into cultivated ecosystems result in negative impact on soil structure and quality. The purpose of this study was to determine effect of land use and slope on selected properties and quality of an Alfisol in Afaka forest, Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Land use systems, including natural forest and cultivated land were identified. Eighteen (18) composite ... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 122 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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RESPONSE OF GROUNDNUT (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) TO RHIZOBIA INOCULATION, NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERS ON AN ALFISOL IN THE NORTHERN GUINEA SAVANN...ABSTRACT Groundnut (Arachis hypogeaa L.) productivity in Nigeria has remained low over the years due to the inherent low fertility status of the soils of the savanna, a region where it is mostly grown by small holder farmers with limited imputs. Groundnut can fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic association with native rhizobia but unfortunately, the amount of N2 fixed is usually not enough ... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 111 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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RESPONSE OF GROUNDNUT (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) TO RHIZOBIA INOCULATION, NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERS ON AN ALFISOL IN THE NORTHERN GUINEA SAV...ABSTRACT Groundnut (Arachis hypogeaa L.) productivity in Nigeria has remained low over the years due to the inherent low fertility status of the soils of the savanna,a region where it is mostly grown by small holder farmers with limited imputs. Groundnut can fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic association with native rhizobia but unfortunately, the amount of N2 fixed is usually not enough d... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 111 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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EVALUATION OF MAIZE-DESMODIUM -SOYBEAN CROPPING EFFECT ON SOIL QUALITY AND CROP YIELDS IN AN ALFISOLS OF NORTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA, NIGERIAABSTRACT 2 Soil quality protection under intensive land use and fast growing economic development has become a major challenge for sustainable resource use in developing countries such as Nigeria. Soil quality is fundamentally important in agricultural production and soil fertility is becoming a central issue in decision on food security. Intercropping is the most common practice in traditional ag... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 112 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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EFFECT OF LONG TERM ROTATION, NITROGEN FERTILIZER AND TILLAGE ON SOIL QUALITY AND MAIZE YIELD IN THE NORTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA OF NIGERIAAbstract A long term field experiment was established in 2003 at the Institute for Agricultural Research, (I.A.R) Samaru, northern Guineasavannaof Nigeria to evaluate the effect of Nfertilizeron maizegrown in rotation with maize, cowpea and soybean. The trial was modified to accommodate tillage as an additional experimental factor in 2009. Ten years later (in 2013), soil and crop data were collect... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 130 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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EFFECT OF LANDUSE TYPES ON GEOCHEMISTRY OF SOIL IN THE NORTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA OF NIGERIAABSTRACT Evaluating the distribution (species and concentration) of chemical elements in the biosphere (rock, soil, water, plants, and air) and the study of chemical processes and reactions that govern the composition of and chemical flux between various states is essential in determining the fate and transport characteristics of elements, as well serving as an important facet of understanding the... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 152 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT | |
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OPTIMIZED INORGANIC FERTILIZER APPLICATION ON SORGHUM YIELD AND NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCIES IN THE NIGERIAN SAVANNAABSTRACT Sorghum (sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an important staple food grain that is grown among smallholder farmers. The yield is low due to inherent low soil fertility because resource poor farmers apply little to no fertilizer to their land due to economic and social factors. The objective of the study was to provide recommendations for optimizing yield and profit from fertilizer use for fi... Continue Reading »Item Type & Format: Project Material - Ms Word | 105 pages | Instant Download | Chapter 1-5 | SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT |
Download Soil Science Final Year Research Project Topics - Free Project Topics | Codemint and Research Materials. Get Complete Chapter 1-5 Project Materials and Research Topics for HND, BSc, MSc in Doc & PDF. Final Year Projects and Research Materials on CodeMint