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(Bilteneven 1973:11) says that a mass media can take message around the world. The stimulus for this on the research is to find out the impact of ANTI – HIV/AIDS on the sexual habits of youths especially youth that reside in Ekwulobia Aguata local Government Area. As the saying goes “that youth are the leader of tomorrow”. The first chapter of these my study gives background information on the study. And also, looked at the introductory rational for the study, and the purpose/significance of the study. In addition to the limitations the second chapter surveyed the review of literature and summary of literature e. t c. The thirds chapter deals with the research question, research method, design population and sample. Data was gathered with help of questionnaires given to 160 correspondents, survey research method was used. Sample size was 120 and the population 720 youths resident of Ekwulobia local government area.  The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of demography and hypothesis test, and it is presented in tables and also research questions were assessed and presented. The fifth chapter and also the final chapter has the summary, reference, conclusion, appendix and questionnaire derived from the findings of the study.


1.1 Introduction

Before the advent of mass communication, the process of communication employed was interpersonal communication that is face to face communication. Interpersonal communication reaches limited audience but mass media make it possible for message to reach far beyond the immediate proximity of the sender. A few hundred feet may be all the distance the human voice prospect to a crowd, without the aid of a public address system. But a mass media can take the same message around the world (Bittenevn 1973: 11). But for this research work, we are narrowing it down to a particular mass media known as television. Although, there are other mass media like (radio) even the print media. The presence of television has influenced the society communication pattern, large audience now believes on television to provide a continuous flow of information, education, communication, entertainment and many others may depend on television for truth in complication and complex situation and when it is not granted they felt deprived.  The impact of television in changing and shaping attitude and behaviours of the masses is the subject of debate because television influence modified by many factors. It is probably less powerful than many people think. But television do have an indirect influence on attitude at least they make people conscious. We witness the horror of war, crime, religious crises, ethnic and racial discrimination and so many societal ills it’s in the privacy and comfort of our living rooms. We learn new things, ideas and concepts when we listen and view television. This medium in its frequent reporting is about the issues like HIV/AIDS makes us to be aware of dreaded disease. The symptoms and signs, ways of contracting it, dangers it poses on immediate and future implication as well as prevention and treatment. Publicity in a corrupt society is believed to be a vital step to finding the cure of many societal ills. In line with this, it is believed that an existence courage and true information on ANTI-AIDS  campaigns will get to perhaps, shape and mould the sexual habits of people more especially the youths.

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