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This dissertation, study‟s the transformation taking place in the field of sports journalism due to convergence made possible by the emergence of digital plenitude with the following objectives: to find out the extent of convergence adoption by Brila 88.9 FM, to know the current devices of convergence available to Brila FM staff, to know the benefits convergence devices have on the working standards of Brila FM and to know the possible challenges faced by staff of Brila FM in using modern devices for their sport reporting and programmes.                                                   Convergence theory and diffusion of innovation theory were adopted to serve as a framework for the study. Using a mixed research method, in-depth interview, observation checklist and questionnaire were the instruments used for data collection. The in-depth interviews were conducted with the heads of stations at Brila FM Abuja headquarter and Brila FM Kaduna station. The study found out that Brila FM have adopted convergence in its work because almost all the activities done or carried out at Brila FM in one way or the other involves the use of convergence technology. The study also revealed that, there has been provision of latest convergence facilities at Brila FM as staff derive benefits from using convergence technologies for their work, some benefits include quick download of sports stories from any sports website around the world. The engineering department at Brila FM also derives benefits from convergence as it uses ICTs to link up with its partners and affiliate station Sky Sports Radio United Kingdom (UK). The study also revealed that staff faced challenges in utilizing convergence devices at the station. The study recommended that, Brila FM should put more efforts in staff training, organizing seminars and workshops to enlighten and update the knowledge of their staff on the latest ICTs used for sports broadcast. Also, it should put more emphasis on servicing their devices other than purchasing new ones always and there should be speedy integration of ICT devices when purchased. Journalists working for Brila FM should not wait for the management to send them for IT training; they can enroll for IT training on their own.




1.1       Background to the Study

One aspect of the media which for long has been regarded as the “toy department” is the

area of Sports Reporting or Sports Journalism. This is so because at its infancy, the area of sports

journalism was given limited time and space in the news media. According to Domingo (2006),

with the recent improvement in sports journalism to a more highly developed stage, sports

journalism should be scrutinized using the professional criteria within the news arena. The

advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed beyond

recognition, the terrain and institution of mass media, most especially in the area of sports

journalism. There is an advantageous paradigm shift in the global practice of journalism and the

aspect of sports reporting has seen drastic improvement due to the coming of new

communication technologies.

The internet is the fastest growing medium in history. Agba (2001) observed that the

digitalization, convergence of computer and telephony technologies which are the most

important aspects of the internet have greatly influenced the way news and information are

produced and disseminated. Also, in the words of Kindem and Musburger (2009), media

production requires both analogue and digital technologies, but in recent times, with the advent

of digital technologies, media production has improved including the convergence of

technologies as well as corporate integration.

According to Agba (2001), the rapid concentration of ownership and conglomeration,

rapid globalization, increased audience fragmentation, hyper-commercialism and steady erosion


of traditional distinction among media which today is driven by technology and money is

referred to as convergence.

McQuail (2005) sees convergence as the processes of coming together or becoming more

alike. The author said that, it is usually applied to the convergence of media technologies as a

result of digitalization (computerization). As media continue to evolve, several trends are already

apparent which include convergence.

Dominick (2011), buttresses convergence as not a new idea, but the word, which has

enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years and which has become the centerpiece in discussions

about future trends in mass communication. Dominic further observes that convergence could be

in the form of corporate convergence where companies purchase smaller companies or

operational convergence, which occurs when owners of several media properties in one market

combine their separate operations into a single effort.

In his analysis on the most important type of convergence, Dominic (2011) attributed

convergence to device convergence, which combines the functions of two or three devices into

one mechanism. Device convergence is manifesting itself in yet another way. All media seem to

be converging on the internet, which is a major channel of distribution. Newspapers and

magazines have online editions, radio and television can be watched on the internet, music

downloads are fast replacing CDs as the preferred delivery methods. TV networks are making

their episodes available for downloading as well as starting their own broadband channels. Radio

stations can now be picked on high definition and satellite radio, while newspapers, books, and

magazines can be found online.

With the transformation taking place in the field of journalism, one area of the media

according to Mohammed (2014) which has so far been affected and improved is the ar

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