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Background of Study

          Teaching at any local requires that the students be exposed to some form of stimulation. Adekunle (2008) noted that teaching resources in electrical/electronic means anything that consist the teacher in promotion teaching and learning. When the students are given the chance to learn through more senses than one. They can learn faster and easier. The use of instructional material provides the teachers with interesting and compelling flat form for conveying information since they motivate learners to learn more. Teacher is assisted in overcoming physical difficulties that could have hindered is effective presentation of given topic. Lone (1994) who noted that the use of electronically medio instruction to duplicate the traditional face to face classroom has resulted in a shift from teacher to students centered class. In this situation, the responsibility for learning is shifted to the students. The teacher facilities the learning by acting as a coach, resource guide and companion in learning. The use of instructional materials des not only encourage teachers and students to work collaboratively but also results in more cooperative learning activities among the students.

Ikerionwu (2000) lowed instructional facilities as objects or devices which help the teacher to make learning meaningful to the learners. Similarly Ezegbe (1994) classified instructional materials into two as visual materials, mach up of reading and non reading materials and audiovisuals material, comprising electrically operated and non-electrically operated materials, electrical/electronics is a trade that depends on the use numbers of resources. Osukawe and Itedjere (1991) summarized these resources as texted like books, audio-visual and non human resources. Osakwe and Itedjere (1999) further stated that these resources are either used individually or collectively in any meaningful electrical/electronic teaching and learning situation.

Instructional materials in technology education as stated by Odunsunya (2003) include all the practical and skill development and evaluation of technical skills considering the modern technological development “rote” learning in the three domains as it used to be case in the passage should give way for a comprehensive skill developing approach.

The purpose of instructional materials is to promote efficiency of education by improving the quality of teaching and learning. Incorporating these tool, and materials present support and reinforce teaching. According to Aduwa Ogiebaen and Imagie (2005) these materials and resources including autio tope recorders, video tope films trips maps chart, graph and many more offer a variety of learning experiences individually or in combination to meet different teaching and learning experiences.

Teacher are required to employ instructional materials in their teaching in order to make sure that learning is more permaneal in the mind of learning. It is necessary that the teacher especially technical education teachers used instructional material so that students can have the opportunity of seeing, hearing and manipulating which contribute to the effective teaching and learning of electrical/electronics in technical colleges. A good teacher should used his available instructional material is appropriately, this is because the usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning process occupied a very significance position all level of educational sector.

          Osuala (2002) stressed that the use of instructional materials in teaching technology education subjects is paramount, hence they appeal arid attract the attention of the students in the class.

Statement of the Problem

According to Aina (2000) performance at national technical certificate (NTC) examinations taken in technical college in 2000 recorded very disturbing statistic attribute to their utter reglect, poor funding, and inadequacy of resources. Poor management of facilities resulted in failure rate from 14%-48% in electrical and mechanical trades. Atumbe (2002) observed that due to inadequate funding normal workshop practices which forms 60% (standard set by nutional board for technical) education (NABTEB) of the technical college curriculum is last disappearing an vocational/Technical colleges time table.

This study therefore sought to make a survey an utilization of the available instructional facilities in an attempt to identify the extent at which it affects the performance of the students in electrical/electronic trade.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study was to find out how teacher of government science technical colleges Kaduna utilize the available instructional materials, especially in teaching electrical/electronics and specifically, the study will determine,

1.       If the instructional materials are adequate for teaching of electrical/electronic course in technical colleges in Kaduna state.

2.       The extent of utilization of available instructional facilities in teaching electrical/electronics course in technical college in Kaduna state.

3.       To what extent does electrical and electronics teacher improvise the instructional material.

Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated to guide the study;

1.       What is the adequacy of instructional materials for teaching or electrical/electronics in technical college in Kaduna state.

2.       What is the extent of utilization of available instructional facilities in teaching electrical/electronics?

3.       To what extent does electrical and electronics teacher improvise the instructional material?

Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following. Students, teacher, school administration and government.

Students will benefit from the findings of this study in the they will learn better and be well equipped.

The school equally benefit from this findings in a steps toward solving the problems militating against the use of instructional materials.

          Further more the finding of this research will served as a literature for further studies by students and researcher.

Government on the other hard will benefit from finding of this research via the planning of curriculum for vocational and technical education.

Scope of the Study

          Due to inadequate facilities at the disposal of research. The study was conducted in using government owned technical college of Kaduna state and was limited to only electrical/electronic trade.

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