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This study was carried out on the impact of manpower training and development as a tool for organizational productivity. The study was limited to Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (KRPC). Every organization whether public or private, at every instance desires to satisfy the needs of its clients, this will only be possible with an enlightened and well trained staff therefore, the role played by staff training cannot be over-emphasized as many have come to recognize that training offers a way of developing skill, enhancing productivity, guaranteeing quality of work and build worker’s loyalty to the firm. Questionnaire was used as the method of data collection and simple percentage was used as the method of data analyses. The findings for this study includes the following; training and performance appraisal should be done frequently for staff on organizations, staff whose productivity is low should be disciplined, training should not be made compulsory for staff, there was improvement in the performance of staff of personnel services department within the period under study.



1.1   Background of the study

Manpower Training is very important for the development of any organization, why some organizations take it very serious others take it lightly, there is always a positive result on the part of an organization it takes up staff training and development very importantly. Any organization that fails to take its Manpower training and development very necessary is definitely going to fail in achieving its objectives and goals or would else not going to meet up with competition, there are various training and development procedures that can be undertaken by organizations, this study is about highlighting the fact that unless training and development of manpower is properly done, objectives can never be attained. Manpower Development therefore, becomes the end result of the application of power and thought career development in the public sector as in the private sector, employees anticipate equitable and adequate manpower development training. One of the purposes of an organization is to permit the group of individuals to enhance efficiency and productivity. Efficiency refers to an input output relationship that is maximum works advised for a maximum layout of energy or resources, it is a nation of optimization where by maximum satisfaction is obtained for a given outlay of resources, efficiency on the other hand refers to the ability to operate or carry out a task. According to required standard, the study of manpower development as a tool for organizational efficiency has been embarked upon in attempt to access the extent to which organization especially the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) cherish and promote the manpower training and development in maximizing individual and organizational output. Therefore, the study would like to access, how far manpower development planned with the mind of those at the top level management whenever they are planning strategies to introduce new concept to the administrative procedures with particular reference to Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC). In this development and recognition of the importance of impact of effective manpower development, the federal government of Nigeria inaugurated the National Manpower Planning Board on 18th October, 1992.

The study of Manpower development as in long time seen as a vital tool in enhancing employees’ morale which has it multiplying effect on organization’s productivity. The study of Manpower development as a tool for employees’ high morale towards Organizational efficiency and effectiveness has been embarked upon in attempt to access the extent to which cherish and promote Manpower training and development in boosting employees’ morale towards organization’s output.

Therefore, the study would like to access: How far Manpower development planned with the mind of those at the top level management whenever they are planning strategies to introduce new concept to the administrative procedures.

1.2   Statement of the problem

Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited is to some extent a large governmental organization both in the recruitment of the employees from all the departments, its system of operation as well as functions, the need for effective planning and manpower development need not to be over emphasized if the organization must remain on such positions and be among the best organizations in the country. Benefits of impact of manpower development have rarely been demonstrated, this is partly as few boards and parastatals attempt to evaluate the result of training because sometime employees are allowed to pursue careers that have no relevance to the organization major functions. Many believed that evaluation is difficult and that everyone would like to advance his or her career there by overwhelming the organizational training request, these are other aspects of manpower development and their potential benefits to transaction and individual from the basis of the study.

1) Despite its important position in the state, why has the benefit from manpower development seldom demonstrate?

2) Is this as a result of poor evaluation of training by the policy board? Is its attributed to the pursuance of careers by the staffs which are a relevant to the organization?

3) Is training evaluation so difficult to create the individual career goals overwhelming the organization training request?

4) Is development used as a motivation to how the staff work efficiently towards industrial development or it is assume as move benefits to the staff?

5) Or is it the un – corporative attitude of the implementation machinery? Senas Ukpanah (2012) emphasized and recognized the important rule of effective manpower planning and utilization in national economic development. The problem of manpower development planning is seen as a federal problem, Kaduna refining and petrochemical is not an exception. 

1.3   Objective of the study

In the light of the problems already identified in 1.2 above, the study was undertaken with the following aims and objective.

1.     To identify existing training programs at KRPC

2.     To evaluate the effectiveness of these training programs.

3.     To find out if the training programs have impacted on employee morale and the firm’s overall performance.

1.4   Research questions

The following research questions were developed to guide the study:

1.     What are the existing training programs at KRPC?

2.     What is the effectiveness of these training programs?

3.     What is the impact of training programs on employee morale and the firm’s overall performance.

1.5   Significance of the study

The study is specified on the impact of manpower training and development as a tool for organizational productivity which explains the inefficiency that characterize our public corporation which also result into lack of commitment to work and the waste of searches which strangely need to enhance social and economic development. It is hoped therefore that this study would provide information on the remote and immediate cause and possible solutions to the manpower development problems as they affect the KRPC, it is also hoped that the finding of this study will contribute to existing knowledge and information on the area of research, it is also expected that the findings and recommendations of this study will guide KRPC to establish a formidable manpower development planning, the study would also be useful to the people who always cry that the organization does not have effective manpower development programmes, so that they know its limitations and area of help to the workers for their support and recognition of their efforts to the organization. Finally, this study will be useful to the students that may wish to write or make research or similar topics and using this as a point of reference to reoriented them towards their profession or future research or practical endeavour.

1.6   Scope of the study

The scope of this study is limited to Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited, which is a subsidiary of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation, within this, the study will only be concerned with KRPC as a government organization of the country to establish to ensure the development of the country and the state in particular. The research scope within this case study does not include its general activities but the area of manpower development as a prominent or versatile tool for ensuring industrial efficiency in the organization. 

1.7   Limitation of the study

Firms were in short supply to the researcher and the researchers could not purchase some valuable printed materials needed for this project at the time they are most needed. The expenses on transportation to KRPC are so enormous because on many occasions the researcher was not attended and would leave without the information required, this happened because especially in the collection of questionnaires. Also, the issue of limited time by which this project must be completed and submitted has hindered a thorough investigation and information of data source. The research had a restricted feasibility in the area of the case study, this is due to bureaucratic reasons in the administrative procedures in the organization, it was not possible to get allt he necessary information that would have helped in producing a comprehensive research work, the process of going through some records to get data was very tedious and formidable task as some materials needed are tagged “TOP SECRET”. 

1.8   Historical background of KRPC

Since KRPC is the main focus of this study, it is necessary to look at it more closely, the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company is a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (established in 1971 known as Nigerian National Oil Corporation [NNOC] by then). The federal government’s decision to construct the third NNPC Refinery in Kaduna was taken along with that of Warri location as far back as 1974. The whole idea were to supplement the plant at Port Harcourt and to discourage the wastage of foreign exchange used in the importation of petroleum products, KRPC thus was established for the purpose of refining crude oil into high value petroleum products and exploitation of other related profitable business in cooperate interest of the organization and the whole nation in general, However, KRPC did not start operation until 1979. The activities of KRPC are divided into refinery and petrochemical units with each unit leaving its own activities and producing different output from the other unit.


The KRPC undertakes the refining of the following products i.e. dual purpose kerosene (for domestic use) motor gasoline, base fuel, lube oil, waxes, surplus, Naphtha, black wax, asphalt, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and petrol.


The following listed are petro-chemical products made at the KRPC Liner Alkene/Benzene Petro – Chemical plant, Kaduna.

1.     Solvent (For End Users): Insecticides, plants, vanishes, degasses, mental cleansing, polishes for shoes, filer and furniture.

2.     Benzene: Aromatic solvent paints and leagues, pharmaceutical industrial chemicals and Aviation Gasoline.

3.     Tins and Drums: Are also manufactured and other users of tins and drums are containers of their products.

4.     Heave Alkylate: Transformer oil, lubrication oil, Greases and Tremolo fluids. The essence of this study is to see how manpower development can be a tool for the efficiency of the production of the above mentioned products to ascertain organization objectives.

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