How to write table of contents for a project research work

How to write table of contents for a project research work

Table of content serves as a compass that provides quick guide to a book’s content. It is mostly arranged following a particular sequence usually from the first to the last page. It basically contains the significant chapters or pages in a book with the page number in which they appear. In this piece, you will learn how to write a table of content for your project work.

  • Arrange your work and number all pages
  • Type the table of content in a word document
  • Number according to the pages
  • Follow a particular order
  • Each section follows a numbering pattern
  • Capitalize the head chapters
  • Use case distinction for the subheads

First, arrange your work and number all pages

·         Be sure to arrange your project work in chapters and subheads. Make your work easily comprehensible by segmenting it into chapters, headings and subheadings.

·         Number all the pages and insert roman numerals where necessary. Be sure to number the headings and subheads with like 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 etc. for easy identification.

Type the table of content in a word document

·         Use the tab key in your keyboard to separate alphabets from numbers and dots. This is applicable if there is a large space between the last word and the page number you need to insert.

·         Number according to the pages. 

The page numbering should follow each other consecutively. Number the subheads and research procedures as directed by your institution

Follow a particular order

·         Begin your numbering from the title page. The title page is that page where you write your full name, your project topic, the department or faculty you are submitting to and the date to the table of contents.

·         The main chapters; this includes from chapter one to five.

·         And the appendix

Each section follows a numbering pattern

·         The preliminary pages takes the Roman numeral numbering (i – x…)

·         The main pages takes numbers (1- 100…)

Capitalize the head chapters

·         Each chapter head should be written in capital letters.

·         The title page head should be written in capital letters

Use case distinction for the subheads

·         The first letter of each relevant word in the subhead should be written in capital letter. For every subhead, the first letter of every word that is about four letter words or more should be written in capital letters.

Writing table of contents could vary with institution, be sure to follow the guides provided by your supervisor for better grades.