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The project work was based on managing waste in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry is a vast scope of activities and operations. The industry generates a lot of waste as a result of the activities waste are generated in the kitchen, laundry, housekeeping, the surrounding and other sections of the establishment the study was conducted using two hotels namely as a Pyramid Hotel and NUT Endwell conference hotel in Kaduna metropolis using questionnaires and personal observation. The method used for the analysis was based on five point scale. The sampling techniques used by the researchers was simple random sampling for data collection. The researchers were able to find out that a large number of the hospitality industry encounter in effective waste management which are as follows; low volume of disposable containers for separated recyclables, cost, limited and awareness of volume reduction technology. It was therefore recommended that appropriate equipment should be used in disposing waste. Waste should not be allowed to pile for days before removal as this can cause bad smell and air pollution. This will go a long way to help the hospitality industry to maximize profit and to increase guest satisfaction and patronage.



1.1     Background of the Study

Hospitality industry is a wide establishment with a vast scope of activities and operations it is a labour intensive venture like any other business. It is a venture involving risk undertaken in respect of air borne disease, loss of lives due to food poisoning, explosion to health hazard etc. however, to reduce part of such risk, the realization of the need for effective waste management can go a long way in reducing the rate of health hazard, making guest comfortable and free to patronize any catering establishment knowing they are well protected. The steady increasing demand of service rendered by hospitality industry leads to the constant increase in level of production of good food and drink and other services brought about the frequent increase in volume of waste which is becoming a great concern to the hospitality industry. The need for maintaining higher standard of cleanliness in the hospitality industry cannot be over emphasized as guests feel free and comfortable when they are in an environment that is safe. The hospitality industry should be beautiful, free from any form of environmental hazard. If waste is not properly managed, it tend to make the environment dirty and unattractive and there will be great possibility of environmental and health hazard. The hospitality industry has a responsibility by being environmental friendly by recycling of waste as much as possible. The reputation of the industry could be enhanced by those employed in it if they have the right attitude to the hospitality industry it is necessary to know the policy of the establishment regarding waste management and to ensure that management and staff must ensure its implement at all levels. Proper sanitation practices provide the foundation for food. Safety assurance system which are built upon. Poor hygiene and sanitary practices can contribute to outbreaks of food borne illness and cause health hazards.

Waste management may be seen as minor activity, but waste products do constitute high hygiene and safety hazards. Certainly in large operations where vast amount of waste are generated daily it can be a major problem especially if an effective disposal system has not been put in place and waste is allowed to accumulate. This will create bad smell which bring about pests and other bacteria’s. It is therefore advisable to provide suitable means of waste management in order to prevent unsightly appearances, fire and health hazards.

There is need for effective waste management in the hospitality industry as it could go a long way in boosting the industry in Nigeria. This is also directed towards analyzing and utilizing the waste collection containers or bags by properly  using the waste management system.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Hospitality industry is known for the provision of hygiene food and drinks, safe and comfortable environment to the customers. Hence, the hospitality industry is known for waste generation waste is generated in the kitchen, housekeeping department, bar area as well as from within the hospitality environment.

However, proper methods of waste management have to be provided in the hospitality industry. Waste left unattended to thereby causes an unhygienic condition in the hospitality industry. This therefore constitute the main aspect of this research study.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this research work is to critically investigate into the effective waste management in the hospitality industry with the following objectives.

1.       To identify the various types of waste generated in the hospitality industry and their methods of disposal.

2.       To find the various methods for effective waste management in the hospitality industry.

3.       To know the importance and benefit of effective waste management to both the guest and personnel of the industry.

4.       To discuss on the problem affecting effective waste management in the hospitality industry and solutions to those problem.

1.4     Significance of the Study

It is important for waste to be effectively managed in the hospitality industry for the fact that food borne illness can be controlled when sanitation is properly implemented in all food operations. When waste is effectively managed, it helps to prevent additional pollution which can improve public health. But if not properly managed, polluted air increase the risk of respiratory illness

Also, effective waste management help to reduce increasing danger of vermin and pests and the emission of green house gas in the form of methane and dioxins which is found to cause cancer. Effective waste management improves the standard of the hospitality industry and decreases the chances of loss. the beneficiates of effective waste management are the staff, guest and also the communities surrounding the hospitality industry as it helps in maintaining good health of both the staff and guest in the hotel. The hospitality industry will benefit from an effective waste management as it will increase the patronage of the hospitality establishment.

The hospitality industry will benefit through disinfecting the dustbin regularly after emptying the waste. Waste food must be removed from food preparation area as soon as possible. Wet refuse can be disposed off quickly and efficiently in waste disposal unit. They can also benefit through using a tight-fitting lids so that waste will not be blown off by the wind or knocked down by animals. The bins should never be left to overflow. In addition to this, it is very important that food handlers wash their hands after handling refuse and before starting food preparation processes.

1.5     Scope of the Study

This study is limited to investigating effective waste management in the house keeping and food and beverage department of the hospitality industry.

1.6     Research Question

To successfully carryout this research work, the following research question are hereby put forward.

1.       What are the various types of waste generated in the hospitality industry and their method of disposal

2.       Is there any need for managing waste in the hospitality industry? What are the importance of managing waste in the hospitality industry.

3.       What are the problems affective effective waste management in the hospitality industry and the way forward.

4.       What are the benefits of effectively managing waste in the hospitality industry.

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