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This study investigated the impacts of lesson planning on teaching and learning process in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. The objectives of the study were: to find out the perception of  teachers on the impactiveness of lesson planning on teaching and learning process in  in private and public Senior Secondary Schools in Giwa Educational zone of Kaduna State; to determine the difference in performance between  students that were taught with lesson plan and each of the following lesson planning: Communication, Questioning, Set Induction, Use of Examples and Resource Development and Utilization (experimental) and their counterparts who were taught with none of the skills (control).  Quasi experimental design method was used to conduct the research. In this design, the researcher used pre-test-post-test control group design. The sampling technique adopted for the research was simple random sampling. 162  students and 20  teachers of both public and private Senior Secondary Schools were randomly drawn from the 16 Senior Secondary Schools offering  in Giwa Educational Zone of Kaduna State.  Instruments for data collection were students‟ multiple choice test items for students and, a questionnaire for teachers. Data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages for the biodata of the respondents while chi-square and independent t-test statistics were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the study revealed significant difference in the performance of experimental and control groups. By implication, the students taught using lesson plan and lesson planning (experimental group) performed better than their counterparts who were taught without any (control group).  This shows further that, utilization of various lesson planning in teaching induces impactive result teaching and learning process.  Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that lesson planning be incorporated into the  curriculum; and teachers should be encouraged and permitted to attend workshops and seminars where the importance, methods of lesson planning are discussed so as to enable them to be efficient at teaching and produce good results.



1.1        Background to the Study

 Western education came to Nigeria with the advent of the Christian Missionaries and Mission Agencies in Mid 1800s (Yunusa, 2000).  It was introduced in the form of

Evangelism and as part of Western Missionary Enterprise.  The first Modern School in Nigeria was established in 1842 at Badagry.  At that early period, the proprietors of schools were the Christian Missionaries who considered 

 to be one of the important subjects that should be taught in schools.  The history of  in Nigeria is bound up with the history of Western Education during and after the nineteenth century.  The church felt it could not do its work successfully if the converts were not able to read and write (Alphonsus, 1995).

The importance of  in Nigerian Schools has been affirmed in various educational writings such as Kwasau (2003); Ilori (2005); Federal Republic of Nigeria:

National Policy on Education (NPE, 2007) and Nigerian Educational Research and

Development Council (NERDC, 2007).  These write-ups expressed both the government (NPE, NERDC) and personal views (Ilori, Kwasau) on the importance of teaching the course in schools.   is one of the academic subjects like Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Geography, History and others in the school curriculum.  While the NPE is of the view that  should be studied for ethical reasons, Kwasau (2003) suggests other reasons such as religious, civic, social, spiritual and academic.  Apart from academic knowledge students acquired by learning the subject, it also helps in instilling discipline, obedience, and good moral in students.  Umaru (2006) asserted that the teaching of  must be wholesome, that is, faith with morality as the only way by which citizenry could be led to meaningful and responsible life in the society.   has been taught in schools over the years largely by teachers who have been either untrained or partially trained in the subject.  It could therefore be concluded that proper understanding of  has a great implication in building up a better Nigeria.

 The teacher is the all important factor in any school and impactiveness in his or her teaching depends largely upon the adequacy of preparation (Nkom, 1999).  Any teacher who is worthy of the office makes some preparations in advance because he realizes that he can not teach impactively what he has not adequately prepared.  Making preparation has to do with lesson planning.  Obviously, lessons should be planned.

 A lesson plan can be regarded as a well thought-out, orderly and sequential arrangement of the lesson on paper (National Teachers‟ Institute [NTI], 2006).  It is the guideline by which the teacher teaches his lesson.  To teach successfully, the teacher must begin to plan days, weeks, or even months ahead of the time for teaching the lesson.  These plans vary widely in the style and degree of specificity.  Some teachers prefer to construct elaborate detailed lesson plans while others construct a sketchy form of lesson plan.  In whatever way it may be written, it should be designed in such a way that it contains adequate information for the teacher to remind him of all the aspects that must be treated in any lesson.  When lesson plan is transcribed into a note-book it becomes a lesson note. (NTI 2006)

1.2        Statement of the problem.

To teach successfully, one must plan successfully. Successful planning goes along with the successful use of lesson plan and lesson planning in teaching in order to facilitate a positive learning experience for all students. No lesson is accepted to be impactive without a well prepared lesson plan. Lesson plan is very important to the teacher because it serves as a guide for him or her to implement impactive teaching and learning. It enables the teacher to think clearly and specifically about the type of learning he or she wishes to occur in a particular lesson. It also enables the teacher to think about the structure and content of the lesson. This includes, most importantly how long to devote to each activity. Kyriacou (2005) is of the view that lesson plan considerably reduces how much thinking a teacher will have to do during lesson. Above all, Lesson plan enables the teacher to prepare ahead on how to disseminate his or her ideas in a logical manner. It is also important to realize that the best planned lesson is worthless if suitable and interesting lesson planning are not in evidence.

Lesson planning are the day to day activities which a teacher has to design for his or her lesson. Skills, according to Kyriacou (2005) are seen as discrete  and coherent activities by teachers which foster pupils‟ learning. This statement is in agreement with Wragg (2005) who sees lesson planning as strategies that is used by teachers to facilitate pupils‟ learning. Lesson planning are a cognitive skills based on knowledge about how to conduct a lesson and knowledge about the content to be taught (Day, 2004). This is in line with the view that lesson planning draw upon the teachers‟ knowledge about impactive teaching (Campbell, Kyriacides, Muijs and Robinson, 2004). A thorough knowledge and mastery of variety of lesson planning would help the teacher to know which skill or skills to employ in teaching in order to create and sustain the students‟ interest to enhance positive teaching and learning. Dhand (2004) stresses that no single one delivery skill seems to work. Therefore, a teacher needs to have the knowledge of a variety of lesson planning he can choose from in the teaching-learning process so as to avoid monotony and boredom. There are obvious observations from researchers such as Day (2004) and Wragg (2005) that poor lesson plan and lesson planning are responsible for poor teaching and learning.  Lack of experience of some teachers has made teaching become teacher-centred thereby leading to poor academic performance of students in Senior Secondary Schools.  It is therefore the task of this study to investigate the problem involved in poor lesson plan and lesson planning in Senior Secondary Schools.  In the light of this, this study is designed to assess the impacts of lesson planning teaching and learning process in  in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna state.

1.3      Objectives

This study seeks to achieve the following objectives:-

1.               To find out the impacts of lesson planning on teaching and learning process in  private and public Senior Secondary Schools in Giwa Educational zone of Kaduna state.

2.               To determine the difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and communication skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and communication skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools.

3.               To compare performance of  Students taught with lesson plan and set induction delivery skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and set induction delivery skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools.

4.               To compare performance of  Students taught with lesson plan and Questioning skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and Questioning skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools.

5.               To determine the difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and the use of examples skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and the use of examples skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools.

6.               To determine the difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and the use of Resource Development and Utilization skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and the use of Resource Development and Utilization skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools.

7.               To compare difference in performance between male  students of the experimental group who were exposed to lesson planning and their counterparts who were not exposed (control).

8.               To compare difference in performance between female  students of the experimental group who were exposed to lesson planning and their counterparts who were not exposed (control).

1.4      Research Questions

           This study attempted to answer the following questions:-

1.               What are the impacts of lesson plan and lesson planning on the performance of  students in private and public Senior Secondary Schools in Giwa Educational zone of Kaduna state?

2.               What is the difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and communication lesson planning (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and communication lesson planning (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools?

3.               Is there any difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and set induction delivery skill (experimental) and those without lesson plan and set induction delivery skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools?

4.               What is the difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and

Questioning skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and

Questioning skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools?

5.               Is there any difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and the use of examples skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and the use of examples skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools?

6.               Is there any difference in performance of  students taught with lesson plan and the use of Resource Development and Utilization skill (experimental) and those taught without lesson plan and the use of Resource Development and Utilization skill (control) in private and public Senior Secondary Schools?

7.          &nbs

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