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The study examines the impact of talent management on the performance of employees at Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital, Kaduna. Specifically, the study examines the influence of talent acquisition, investigate the influence of training and development, determine the influence of career development and explore the influence of performance management system. Regardless of the amount of money poured into organisations, some still fail to perform. The fact is, organisations just do not have the talented employees necessary to achieve the desired vision. Personnel management has been marred in many instances by poor recruitment practices; the inability to attract and retain suitably qualified staff; and the lack of performance management systems. The population of the study comprises 757 staff of Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital, Kaduna. Out of which 262 staff constitute the sample of the study. The study adopted descriptive research design. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The study employed the use of SPSS version 20 to analyze the data. The major findings of the study have revealed the existence of positive and significant relationship between talent acquisition (71%), training and development (62%), performance management (61%) and employee performance. However, the study revealed a weak relationship between career development (11%) and employee performance. The study recommended that organization should align their talent management system to meet up with their business requirements and talent management system should be incorporated across all aspects of human resource management. The study recommended that other studies be done to unearth more on the subject. This will ensure increased reliability of the statistics and effects for generalization.

Keywords: Talent Management, Employee Performance



1.1       Background of the Study

In today’s competitive labour market, a major concern of organizations is the need to achieve high levels of performance through people. Hence, talent management is fast gaining a top priority for organizations across the world. To attract and retain the best talent anywhere in the world, an organization must have a strong and positive employer brand. Talented individuals drive companies forward through their outstanding competence and ability.

A global survey that was conducted by Stavrou-Costea and Morley (2011) as cited in Knott (2016) that targeted 26 countries and 32,000 employees showed that shortage of talent in entities undermine performance. Hospitals just like any other venture, needs talented employees. Piansoongnern and Anurit (2010) in Knott (2016) argue that Africa has a reflex, complex paradox in that, on one hand, it has high unemployment rates, yet managers complain that they are short on talent, and are willing to recruit talent any time. The challenge with Africa is that over the years, the continent has suffered brain drain, as talented employees seek greener pastures in Europe and America (Lewis & Heckman, 2011 in Knott, 2016). Kambui, (2014) equally argues that talent management in Africa has been a major challenge due to poor compensation by companies, and prevalence of uncompetitive work environment that impact negatively on employee performance and desire to remain with the company.

In the health sector, talent management has become a key management and performance issue. Several studies showed that business leaders consider finding talented people to be the single most important managerial preoccupation in the recent past (Guthridge, Komm & Lawson 2008 in Knott, 2016). Talent Management as typical human resource roles and activities and in this perspective, HR provides the same attention and focus regardless of how the talent was recruited or classified. This is done by developing an internal talent to think through and identify strengths, career planning and succession planning for those employees who show exemplary performance at their job tasks.

Studies have shown that the demand for talented employments in the coming years is going to increase, while the supply will drop (Foster, 2014 in Dahshan, Keshk and Dorgham, 2018). There is no doubt that technology and globalization have changed our lives, as they have led to increased competition on talent. Thus, the potential growth of organizations worldwide depends on the ability of organizations to ensure that the right people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time, and focused on the right activities. For these reasons, talent management has been elevated to the top of strategic human resources management challenges, acquiring the highest priority across all organizations (Elia et al., 2017 as cited in Dahshan, Keshk and Dorgham, 2018). Institutions are increasingly looking at talent as a unique asset that can provide sustainable competitive advantage and superior performance (Rop, 2015). Right talent is the greatest asset for any organization. In fact, one of the most important roles of human resources is to make sure employees with the right skills stick with the company for long enough (Dahshan, Keshk and Dorgham, 2018).

Talent management is therefore essential for employee performance. According to Heinen and O’Neill (2004) as cited in Knott (2016), talent management is the best way of harnessing employees potential and enhancing performance. The ideal talent management system is one where all employees understand the mission of the organization, how far they are towards achieving the organization goals, and the skills required to improve performance and help the organization realize its dream. Talent management improves

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