Meetups Application | Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase FULL PROJECT

Meetups Application | Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase FULL PROJECT

Meetups Application | Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase FULL PROJECT - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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This is an application that was built on Vuetify, Vuejs and Firebase. the main purpose is to build an application for meetups registrations and creation by users using the new technologies (Vuejs,Vuetify and firebase). if you are new to Vuejs and Firebase you can get this project and learn a lot from it.<br>FUNCTION:<br><ul><li>Login<br></li><li>Registration</li><li>Create Meetup</li><li>View Meetups</li><li>Register for Meetups</li><li>Edit Meetup (date,time.information)</li></ul>With this application you will get the basics of how firebase works and how to integrate it to your applications<br>Note When you buy this mint you will get a video tutorial on the application from MAX.<br> If you buy this mint (i.e source code) now, you will get lifetime mint updates for free.

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