Employee Attendance and Payroll System using PHP

Employee Attendance and Payroll System using PHP

Employee Attendance and Payroll System using PHP - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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  • CRUD - Employee Attendance
  • CRUD - Employee
  • Employee Cash Advance
  • Employee Overtime
  • Employee Schedule
  • Payroll on Date Range
  • Payslip on Date Range


  • AdminLTE
  • TCPDF library


1. Download the source code using the Download button below. 2. Extract the downloaded file to your localhost folder ex. htdocs for XAMMP. 3. Import the included .sql file which is the database of the system. If you have no idea on how to import, please refer to my tutorial on How import .sql file to restore MySQL database. 4. After a successful import, open the extracted folder and open conn.php in both the root folder and in admin/includes folder. Edit the database name in the connection depending on the name of database you created in importing the included .sql file.

Accessing the Admin

You can access the admin side by adding /admin/. You should be able to navigate to admin login page. You can then use the below admin credential: Username: nurhodelta
Password: password

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