Easy POS and Inventory Managment System (PHP)

Easy POS and Inventory Managment System (PHP)

Easy POS and Inventory Managment System (PHP) - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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Easy POS, Billing and Inventory Management Software comes with everything you would need to get in a pos. 01. Responsive Design. Fits- any screen size
02. White Label - With your name in Footer as well as Header
03. Sales reports
04. Inventory Management
05. Add and Track Items Easily
06. Out of stock alert for items and item kits
07. Easy Installation
08. Can use up to 10 decimals for quantity for sales and receivings
09. Quick dashboard when logging in
10. Reciept Printing
11. Customer Management
12. Supplier Manegement
13. Cashier Dashboard
14. Super Admin Dashboard
15. Item Category
and lots more.

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