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Waste is unavoidable consequence of the need for survival. In order to live, we eat, drink and provide other necessities of life. In process of trying to satisfy these needs, we create waste. And it is a fact that the amount of waste generated by individual has relationships with per capital consumption.

Waste disposal has emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing environmental protection agencies in developing countries especially rural Africa.  The common constraints in waste management include lack of institutional arrangement, insufficient financial resources, absence of bye laws and standard, inflexible work schedules, insufficient information on quantity and composition of waste and inappropriate technology (Onibukun 2012).

Meanwhile, Federal Government of Nigeria has instituted National Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Intervention Program in seven cities as thus; Maiduguri, Kano, Kaduna, Onitsha, Uyo, Ota and Lagos (Ojo, 2011).   

Waste is a potential hazard by virtue of its nature and composition, so its management has severe consequence on the safety and security of Narayo and by it’s nature, waste management go to all and equally remains available to all members of the community.

The term usually relates to material produced by human activity and the process of generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health and environment of Narayi Constituency.

Waste includes all items that people no longer have any use for, which they either intend to get rid or have already discarded and these include: packing items, garden waste, old paints containers , vegetables, metals etc.

Therefore, it can be said that poor waste disposal invariably affects the wealth and economic status of Narayi Constituency. A clean environment influences good health and good health further affects the productivity of man so my good people of Narayi Constituency can’t be left out of these good health.

1.1     Background of the Study

Narayi village is part of ward in Chikun Local Government, founded 1987 from Kachia Local Government of Kaduna State.

Narayi village was formally known as Hayin Gwari, later renamed to Narayi. The people of Narayi immigrated from Barnawa, the shifting was done after the festal that was held in 1977 in Nigeria. They were shifted with compensation relocate during the period Zaria Road was in Narayi village, it was the only road used for transportation and it was later became the main Narayi Road that was constructed which is still bearing the name up till date. This happened during the regime of Jafa’aru Isah.

The population of Nigeria Community comprises of male, female and children the population according to projection by National Population of 2006 was 27,669.

Occupation: The occupation of Narayi Community are farming, civil servant, petty trading etc. and because of the development in Narayi, there is government secondary school which is one and two primary schools. There are twelve (12) Private schools, Nursery and Day Care all approved. There are three Bakary Industries that produces bread, cakes, etc the major language in Narayi Community are Hausa and English, there is electricity and adequate water supply tap.

Presently, there are Government Hospitals in Narayi which is under Chikun Local Government Area and has he following duties, tuberculosis and leprosy services.

The other department are for anti-natal and children welfare clinic. The words has a capacity of 12 beds where they admit patients. The Three Private Hospitals and Maternity Homes are functioning. Narayi is fast developing because of high level of immigration.

1.2     Statement of the Problems

Waste unavoidable both backing items, garden waste, old paints, containers, vegetable, metals, solid, liquid, gaseous and pure water leathers is allow to constitute nuisance in the environment, packing items in form of product of finished goods like tins, take away plates, empty pure water leathers and broken plastics containers brought into our homes for the purpose of making fire, the garden waste in form of vegetables and fruits allow to accumulate in open ditch behind the house provide breeding places for mosquitoes, causing malaria.

Pure water leather for indiscriminate incineration of solid waste indwelling places in Narayi village create a nuisance in the environment provides a breeding places for rats and rodents Example snakes capable of endanging man’s life. Therefore, this study eats out to provide the various methods used in waste disposal and its implication to health, of people in Narayi Constituency of Chikun Local Government Area and proper solution to these health related problems.

1.3     Statement of Purpose

The study aims on creating awareness on people of Narayi constituency of Chikun Local Government Area on waste disposal and it’s health hazard, also to convince them to use available resources found in community and become self-reliance and self – determination as the way of solving their problems.

1.4     Significance of the Study

The good things in this study, is to let Narayi Community know the important of good waste disposal and to provide to them various methods of waste disposal and to suggest ways of improving sanitary conditions.

1.5     Justification of the Study

At the end of this study, Narayi Community will understand waste disposal and its health implications and adhere to it.       

1.6     Broad Objectives


1.7     Specific Objective

1.     To suggest ways of improving environmental sanitation in Narayi Community.

2.     To prevent disease and promote health

3.     To identify diseases associated with waste

4.     To suggest ways in controlling paste and vectors

5.     To suggest ways in controlling paste and vectors

1.8     Research Question

1.     How knowledgeable is the community about waste management, storage and disposal?

2.     How often did community clean their environment?

3.     How is waste disposed?

4.     Did community suffer from communicable diseases?

1.9     Operational Definitions

1.     Refuse Disposal: Is the act a disposing of rubbish and waste

2.     Malaria: An infectious diseases caused by protozoan parasites from the plasmodium family that can be transmitted by the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes.

3.     Disease: A disorder of function in human, animal or plant that affect specific location and is not physical injury.

4.     Vector: Ability insect that transmits disease from one animal or plant to another.

5.     Epidemic Disease: Means a rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time.

6.     Sanitation: This is process of keeping place, clean and healthy by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply.

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