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1.1      Background of the study

As far as Edo state is an education centres Benin city in particular, it has a large number of primary school are located in the different parts of the city, they are either owned by the government or private individuals and there are also mixed primary school for boys and girls.  Taking into consideration that boys and girls in this primary schools are being exposed to social cultural, economic problems of life. It is important to teach sex education in primary school since these generation knows what sexual relationship is all about there is the need for them to be taught results relationship.

          If the pupils are now aware of what will happen during sexual relationship, that it will result to an unwanted pregnancy, which will bring about economic and social problems, this will actually make them deciate from it.

          The introduction of sex education n our primary school also help in reducing of rate of social disorder in our society that is to say that the rate at which people abandon babies at different place will be put to an end.

          The introduction of sex education will also enable the teachers to give correct factual information to teenagers the development of their babies, during this period the girls develop breast, pelvic bone broadens, these starts at the age of eleven to twelve (11-12) years and in the boys between fourteen to fifteen (14-15) years the sexual organs nature, the widen the chest and the enlargement of the larynx which causes breaking of the voice.

          The knowledge f sex education will also definitely reduce the rate of casualty, which would have resulted from illegal procurement of abortion by quack doctors or nurses.

          The adolescent get themselves involves in this act of abortion because they are afraid to tell their parents, that they are pregnant. This pregnancy could be avoided if sex education is taught in schools.

          The knowledge of sex education will no doubt help in a great deal in solving the social nuisance caused by bastered children, which results to indiscriminate sexual act. The teaching of sex education in school will help in small measure in solving wide spread at sexual transmitted diseases, which is one of government major concern today. Sexual education on its own is transformative and the need to get the adult informed should not be left out, because it is popularly said that the understanding of a problem is the beginnings of its solution. If these concerned are well educated about the issue. The negative results of sex education promiscuity would have been half solved. Teaching sex education has been in existence from the creation of man when man continues to expand with children. The whole subject has been distorted by teachers, media, parents, Pastors, Imams and even friends have shirked their resistibility by not presenting the many side of the subject, the good, the lies told to exploit others. Increasing number of people across the ideological spectrum believe that our society is in deep moral trouble. The disheartening signs are everywhere. The breakdown of the family, the deterioration of civility in everyday‟s life, rampant greed, omnipresent sexual activities at very early ages; the enormous betrayal of children through sexual abuse (Taku, 2009). Sex education is the education that is given to individuals on sexuality behaviour. It is the process of acquiring information, attitude and belief about sex. It is education for awareness especially our adolescents about sex related issues. Sex education does not encourage early initiation of intercourse but instead can delay first intercourse and lead to more consistent and understanding what the concept is all about. It is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sex identity relationship and intimacy. It involves developing young people‟s skills so that they make informed choices about their behaviour. It is widely accepted that young people have right to sex education, partly because it is a means by which they are helped to protect themselves against abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) and understand their body mechanism in general, (World Youth, 2000, in Nwahizu, 2006).


This study intends to enlighten people about the need to teach sex education in our primary schools in Egor local government area. The major problem that faces the teaching of sex education is as follows;

1.    Where should sex education be taught?

2.    Is se education taught as other subject? 

3.    Is being taught in the school curriculum?

4.    Who should teach sex education to boy and girl?

5.    At what age should sex education be taught?

6.    Will sex education help to reduce the problem of inferiority among women in society?


For the purpose of carrying out this research works researcher intends to visits 8-10 primary schools in Egor local government area. The average of 133 questionnaires will be used to administer in each of the schools to be invited, students and teacher of the visited schools will also as audience.


The main purpose of this study is to find out the following;

1.    To identify the primary roles of sex education to teenagers.

2.    To enable students develop self respect and self control with due consideration for the spouses.

3.    To inform the students that anytime they become pregnant, their parents will be embarrassed and their schooling will be disturbed.

4.    To allow the parents to know their roles regarding sex education to their children.


The research work will enable the reader to understand the reason why sex education is taught in primary schools in Egor local government area.

It will also help the reader to list the consequence which is due to the teaching of sex education, and also it will enable them to be able to know how to eliminate the occurrence of such associated problem.


To aid the completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher

H0: the introduction of the subject in primary schools does not have any importance to the pupils and the society in general.

H1: the introduction of the subject in primary schools does have importance to the pupils and the society in general.

H0:  perception of primary schools pupils towards sex education in Egor local government area does not have any effect on pupils understanding of the subject

H2: perception of primary schools pupils towards sex education in Egor local government area does have effect on pupils understanding of the subject


In this study the following terms are according to usage.

1.    Sex: sexual act that may occur between boys and girls in primary school.

2.    Promiscuity: indiscriminate sexual relationship that occurs outside marriage life.

3.    Education: the act of acquiring knowledge that intends to produce positive results.

4.    Sex Education: the education, which helps individual develop to the fullest his potentials as a human being and in all stage of life.

5.    Abortion: this is a way by which a normal pregnancy is terminated, either by using drugs or instrument.

6.    Pregnancy: the physiological state of women growth pens of the embryo.

7.    Virgin: a man or a woman who has not had any sexual intercourse


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study     

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