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Staff Evaluation is the systematic analysis or review of the performance of employees in an organisation to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance Evaluation systems are a part of all contemporary institutions and all these performance evaluation more often called appraisal systems, may be found in different forms serving a general or a more specific need for the institution with the main goal of helping the institution increase the overall performance of its employees and provide an equitable measurement of employees’ contribution to the institution.

In the modern world, documenting performance provides the basis for pay increases and promotions. Appraisals are also important to help the staff improve their performance. In addition, they can serve a host of other functions, providing a launching point from which institutions can clarify, shape responsibilities in accordance with the institutions trend and clear lines of management-employee communication. It is often seen in many organizations that staff evaluations only occur when management is building a case to terminate someone. It is no wonder that the result is a mutual dread of the staff evaluation session (i.e something to be avoided if possible). This is no way to manage and motivate people. Staff evaluation is supposed to be a developmental experience for the employee and a “teaching moment” for the Manager.

This project focuses on the development of evaluation systems and applications that helps in evaluating academic staff in the University.



Performance evaluation with respect to the academics in institutions of higher education has not received enough attention from policy makers and administrators of tertiary institutions in the past, hence, its contribution to enhance institutional performance and quality appear to have been neglected. Consequently, Universities have adopted a Laissez-faire approach to performance appraisal, thus, academic staff members are not closely monitored in terms of in-class effectiveness.

The evaluation criteria used in evaluating academic staff in Nigerian tertiary institutions have failed to enhance the quality of performance and credibility of graduates of tertiary institutions because such evaluation methods tend to give low priority to teaching but place more emphasis on research publications.

In order to overcome these challenges, the development of a Web-Based Staff Evaluation System is necessary as it checks clearly the performance of a lecturer in a particular session and as such enhances the performance of the students at the end of the academic year.



The objectives of this research work include:

a)     To help assess and promote excellence in the teaching and learning process in the institution.

b)    To help meet the educational needs of students by continually monitoring instructional performance.

c)     To help provide a basis for professional growth and development.


The benefits of the use of the proposed web based staff evaluation system in the department of Computer Engineering, University of Uyo are as follows:

a)     It provides the department an insight to the teaching mechanism and ability of a lecturer in a particular course.

b)    It serves as a proof for both the lecturers and the students in a case of a poor result in a particular course.

c)     It serves as a criteria which the department can use to reassign lecturers to different courses depending on his/her abilities.

d)    It closes the communication gap between the department and the students.

e)     It provides an effective means for the lecturers to improve their standard of teaching.  



This project is developed to be a web-based system (Web Application) where the evaluation of academic staff performance can be done efficiently by the students using the department of Computer Engineering as a case study.

There are different systems that incorporate both the evaluation of staff and students at once but due to the time constraint and lack of resources, this project will only carter for the evaluation of staff by the students and not include the feature of student’s performance evaluation by the staff.

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