What are computer source codes and what use do they serve in student’s project

What are computer source codes and what use do they serve in student’s project

Programming is like cooking a meal, you prepare everything you need separately and apply them one after the other, at the right time into the same pot. Before a web application is programmed completely and left to run online the way you usually see it, series of instructions and functions have been given it separately based on their functionalities and finally compiled to run as a whole entity. These set of instructions are called computer source codes and they mean a great deal to computer science projects and research materials anywhere in the world.

Programming could be quite complicated and unimaginable to an ordinary person but programmers. The sound of the programming languages alone is confusing enough but the need to simplify such awful set of instructions called codes has led to the need for source codes.

So, what are computer source codes?

Computer source codes are human-readable sets of computer programmes written by programmers. This is basically the first stage of programming and like highlighted earlier, programming takes the same process of making soup. The same way you steam you stock, chop the leave, blend pepper and other orishirishi, that’s the same way sources codes are prepared separately.

The reason it is done that way is to ensure that every function and facet of software needed to make a particular system work is intact. This is programming made easy. Secondly, in a situation where another programmer has to finish up the work, the sources codes serves as a guide to the other programmer. This is the main reason computer science project students consider source codes indispensable in their project research work.

Now, there is something called a compiler, it’s just like the cooking pot. It accommodates all the various source codes and merges them into a complete working system.  The process of compilation converts the human-readable language (source code) into the computer or machine language. This explains why you don’t understand or interpret computer codes when you see it except programmers.

Now, what need do source codes serve in computer science students projects?

Computer science projects are structured differently from other kinds of student projects. Mostly, it requires the actual implementation of the project topic. The singular option to execute such pressing need is to build computer source codes that can be used to run such systems, particularly within the period of project defense.

The chapter three, four and five of computer science projects practically requires the design, analysis and the actual system respectively. While the design explains the kind of system to be built, the analysis explains what is needed to make such system work and the chapter five has the real sources code as it is attached in the appendix.  

What is codemint doing to assist computer science students

Maybe you didn’t know, not all programmers are computer science students and not all computer science student are programmers. The programming world has an entirely different philosophy. This particularly has inspired codemint, a project based research website to assist undergraduates in various fields of study.

Codemint is a repository for project topics and research materials for final year students with computer science projects and source codes inclusive. So that computer science students who are not programmers can benefit from it.

Moreso, programmers at codemint build computer source codes for students on request. That’s a way of giving back to the society and helping studentship generally.