Performance Indicator System

Performance Indicator System

Performance Indicator System - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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This system features a purchase reservation on the dealer side, and system management in both the admin and staff side. Also, in the stock side, it can update stocks of products. Installation: 1. Download the code file.
2. Extract the folder in your localhost server.
3. Upload the included database. To upload the database, go to your PhpMyAdmin and create a database and name it opils. Click opils database, click import and import the database located in db folder of this file. Click go and wait until the db is uploaded.
4. After uploading the database, enter localhost/opils on your browser. Use the following accounts to access the system:
Username: admin
Password: admin

Username: julyn
Password: juyln

Username: clene
Password: clene

Stock in-charge:
Username: rudy
Password: rudy

You're free to modify or change the system depending on your preference.
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