Online Faculty Clearance System

Online Faculty Clearance System

Online Faculty Clearance System - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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The main purpose of this study is to build a system that will provide a fast and reliable solution for the processing of the faculty clearance. Hence, eliminating the traditional or manual processing of Faculty clearance. This system will automate the clearance of every Faculty members and the signing will simply follow. Faculty will be able to view the clearance status and upload documents while the designee will approve the completed documents or requirements that the faculty submitted. One important feature of having an automated clearance is to avoid submitting the same information every year. Those, eliminating additional time in processing a clearance.<h2>Instruction</h2>Create a database called “onlineclearance” and import the file named onlineclearance.sql located under db folder. For the Faculty account to work, make sure to set the "Set deadline" under the Admin account.<h2>Account Info</h2> <span>Faculty:<br>User: 1<br></span><div>Pass: 1234</div><div><br></div><div> Admin:</div><div></div><span>User: admin<br></span><div>Pass: 1234 <br></div><div><br></div><div>Designee:</div><div></div><span>User: accountant<br>Pass: 1234</span><br> If you buy this mint (i.e source code) now, you will get lifetime mint updates for free.

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