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1.1 Background to the Study

A medium is the channel through which message travel from the source to the receiver. Mass media include not only the mechanical device that transmit and sometimes store the message e.g. television cameras, radio, microphone, printing press e.t.c but also the institution that uses these machines to transmit the message. It other word, ‘hen we talk about mass media we are referring to the people, the policies, the organization and the technology that goes into producing mass communication.

According to oxford advanced leaner dictionary, international student’s edition, mass media is designed as information and news such as newspapers, magazine, radio and television that reach an influence large number of people.

It is well known that most raw material provide for the urban community. Despite this, the contributions of the rural community have not received adequate attention which they deserve. -


According to Nwusu Ikechuku (1990:5)’ “communication is central to rural national Development and that is catalytic effect to the Development of other sector of the economy should never be neglected.

Ekitudo (1986:120) observed that “The role of mass media in ’global community has dynamically grown in concept of communication changing” with the- proper use of communication media in shaping and channeling the minds of the rural communities in the use that cued them, and it will go a long way in blaring their condition. It is therefore important to investigate the affair of the mass media in Nigeria even down to local government level to make the rural communities develop. This research work will focus on Ijero Local Government Area of Ekiti state. Looking at the role of mass media in the development of Ijero Local Govrnment.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

In this information age where communication has been taken as a vital instrument for rural economic, social and political development. Even in most rural, communities where media are complexity or partially available, information is shared among the people who cannot read or write and get them to maintain a stable system of living.

This study intends to find out the impact of mass media in communities in the context of development. The problem also include to what extent is the attitude and behavioral changes of rural drivellers when exposed to the mass media. It will also look at the extent of variable such as educational qualification, occupation and income different among the people of Ijero Local Government area of Ekiti State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this are to examine role played by the mass media in contribution to the community development of Ijero Ekiti, Ekiti state.


(a)      To examine the extent which mass media has contribute to the development of rural community in Nigeria.

(b)      To determine the means and sources of mass media available to the people of Ijero Ekiti.

(c)      To discover what can be done to improve the role of mass media in the said community of Ijero Local government and other communities in the country.

(d)      To determine if there is any adverse impact of exposure to mass media on the people of Ijero Local government and how can this be eliminated or minimized.

(e)      To examine the problems faced by mass media practitioners in this community and what are suggested solutions to these problems.

1.4 Research Question

These are the following question that may arise in the course of this


1.   To what extent does mass media contribute to the development of rural community in Nigeria?

2.   What are the means and sources of mass media available to the people of Ijero Ekiti?

3.       What can be done to improve the role of mass media in the community of Ijero Local government and other communities in the country?

4.       Is there any adverse impact of exposure to mass media on the people of Ijero Local government, how can this be eliminated or minimized?

5.       What are the problems faced by mass media practitioners in the community and what are suggested solutions to these problems?

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